Karate Sticks How To Speed Things Up A Bit Considering My Advancment In Karate ?

How to speed things up a bit considering my advancment in karate ? - karate sticks

It begins in November, the first test approaches for the belt. This is the first white band Kyokushin Karate, the style of full contact with no protection. I am by nature a person who thinks things through very thoroughly and make my decision if I for him. So in this case, train, which I only half a year and I am absolutely obsessed with him. With the University, are the people around me and the only girl what to think. I got a bit of military routine of my life, it gives me time to watch me graduate college 4 times per week for 4 hours fitness and karate) training every day (2 hours at the club the rest at home. I am also by nature a very determined person, and can not bear to lazy people and always try things at me, I mean really Excel Excel. So this gives me the drive on. I have the best conditions at the club, and only indirectly Sensei said that the work difficult.


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